Do You Know How Important It is to Keep Your Loved One Safe from Outside Germs and Bacteria? Practice Safety By Washing Your Hands and Using Hand Sanitizer.

Keeping Things Safe and Clean for Elder Care near Plainsboro, NJ

You recognized the signs that your aging mother required more help at home and decided to assist her with a variety of things. Over time, you may have become her de facto elder care provider, and the biggest challenge you faced was helping her to remain safe at home living alone.

Elder Care Plainsboro NJ






You might have avoided the topic of hiring professional home care for the elderly because you didn’t think she would agree to it. You may have very little information about the services, and not realize just how beneficial they can be for her.

So while you are providing elder care for your mother, you could be focused on many aspects of safety around her house. You discouraged her from trying to change a light bulb because it would mean pulling out a stepladder and you’ve noticed the lack of strength she has in her legs, the loss of balance, and other potential issues that could lead to serious injury.

You might have placed a shower seat in the tub surround so she could sit while she bathes. You could have seen a number of other potential safety risks around the house and addressed them as they arose. Yet one thing you may have failed to do or to even recognize with regard to safety for the elderly individual in your life is keeping them safe from outside germs and bacteria.

Every time you walk into the house to check on her or do certain things with her, you may be carrying in a number of germs, bacteria, and maybe even viruses in with you. You may not even realize these things are clinging to you in some form or another.

Every time you touch a door handle or some other surface that other people have touched, such as going in and out of the store, using a public restroom, or even shopping for food or other items, you are being exposed to outside germs and bacteria. Some bacteria, germs, and viruses can survive for many hours without a live host.

That’s why washing your hands with antibacterial soap on a regular basis, and using hand sanitizer whenever you plan to work with the elderly individual directly, is such an important aspect to safety. National Hand Washing Awareness Week is December 7 through the 11th and it is a good reminder that when assisting a loved one, providing elder care for them, keep your hands clean and reduce the risk of them contracting an illness that could be potentially devastating to them.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring elder care services near Plainsboro, NJ, or the surrounding areas. Please call Independence Home Care today at (609) 642-4085 for more information .

Teresa Sajkowski RN BSN CHPN

Teresa Sajkowski RN BSN CHPN

Owner of Always Responsive Home Care

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Elder Care Plainsboro NJ