Holiday Traveling Guide for Family Caregivers

Caregiver in Robbinsville NJ

Holiday traveling can be a challenging experience but is well worth the effort to reunite with distant family. For a family caregiver travelling with an elderly or disabled relative, those challenges Caregiver-Robbinsville-NJcan become much more intense. These tips can help you prep for your holiday vacations and ease the journey for you and your loved one.

Check with the doc ahead of time. Your parent may have special travel considerations and may need accommodation during the trip. Checking in with their primary care provider can give you insight on tips specific to their medical conditions, and help you acquire more medication to extend for the duration of the trip.

If special accommodations are necessary, arrange them before you travel. If you will be staying at a hotel and your parent is wheelchair bound, ask for an accessible room. The entryways are wider, and the shower area will make it easier to accomplishing bathing. Likewise, advanced boarding, access to restrooms, or special seating may be needed on the train or airplane. Prepare for TSA checkpoints with easy to remove shoes and alert agents to any medical implants that might set of metal detectors.

Keep documentation at hand. Bring along all the usual necessary documents like passports, driver’s licenses, itineraries, and travel tickets, but also pack medical paperwork like insurance cards, Medicare cards, prescriptions, and any statement provided by the doc. It’s also a good idea to use a wearable GPS device for a parent with dementia.

Ease the stress of travel by keeping a regular schedule. This is especially useful for those with dementia care issues or other cognitive impairments. Make sure meals, meds, and sleeping times are happening at the same time as they do at home. Plan for downtime each day. Quiet, relaxing time is necessary to help decompress from the excitement of travel. Plan your flights and travel time accordingly.

Ease your burdens by traveling light. When accompanied by someone who requires extra care and regular assistance, reducing the amount of bags and packs you are carting along can significantly ease your stress level. Plus it allows you to focus your attention on your loved one.

On the subject of packing, prepare a ‘handy bag’. You always want to keep the essentials at hand while traveling, this is even more vital when bringing an elderly or disabled loved one along. Make sure you have essential meds, documents, and phone numbers. Also, bring along quick snacks and beverages (remember that you can’t bring drinks through security at airports), and light entertainment like a book, tablet, or cards. Bring comfort gear like a light sweater, sunscreen, a travel pillow, and a hat can be carried in a small carry-on or tote that can be taken along anywhere you go while traveling.

With a little forethought, you can have a problem-free adventure with your loved one that minimizes unexpected problems and helps you make the most of your trip.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring caregiver services in Robbinsville, NJ or the surrounding areas, please call Independence Home Care today at 609-208-1111 for more information.

Sourced from 8 years of experience and training as an in-home care provider.

Teresa Sajkowski RN BSN CHPN

Teresa Sajkowski RN BSN CHPN

Owner of Always Responsive Home Care

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Caregiver in Robbinsville NJ